Portescap Ultra EC U-Coil is The Key to Performance
Portescap's proprietary U-Coil technology is a new design that is key to outstanding performance with our brushless, slotless miniature motors.
Watch this video to learn more about its design and benefits.
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Ultra EC,
BLDC Motors
Meet the Line of Ultra EC Brushless Motors
Below is a video on the Ultra EC Brushless Motor, featuring the Portescap's Ultra EC three families of motors. We highlight each motor in the Ultra EC line, discussing each features and benefits.
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Ultra EC,
BLDC Motors
How to Select a Mini Motor Technology for your Surgical Device Design
Powered surgical hand tools are a mainstay of the operating room. For decades surgeons and device makers have relied on sterilizable Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors to meet the torque, speed, and reliability requirements of surgical hand tools. With the advance of surgical robotics and robotically assisted surgical devices, more than device makers count on BLDC motors to meet their most demanding requirements.
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Medical & Diagnostics,
Surgical Motor Solutions,
Precision Motors for Medical Infusion Systems
Portescap offers a range of motor technologies and accessories that enable innovation for Medical Infusion Systems. Whether it is a DC Coreless solution that utilizes its high efficiency to extend battery life or a stepper linear actuator that applies its mechanical precision for accurate dosing, Portescap marries the desired patient benefits to the infusion system requirements to create the optimum design. The addition of gearboxes and encoders provide flexibility in size, weight, and feedback for the motion solution.
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Medical & Diagnostics
Brushless DC Motors Achieve ISO 13485 Certification for Respirators
We’re excited to announce that our slotless brushless DC motors for respirators have recently received ISO 13485:2016 certification. Thanks to this compliance, medical device original equipment manufacturers (OEM) can be confident their motion control system has been manufactured to the highest quality standards.
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BLDC Motors
Motor Sterility Management: Protecting vs. Autoclaving
Surgeries must be performed using sterile equipment to prevent infection. While some simple surgical tools can be manufactured inexpensive enough to be economically thrown away after each use, more sophisticated tools such as drills, saws, and shavers must be reusable and therefore sterilized. The motor is a critical part of these tools, and if not protected properly, its electronic components can be susceptible to the moisture and temperature of the steam sterilization process (autoclave).
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Medical & Diagnostics,
Motor Application Tips,
Surgical Motor Solutions
How to Optimize Your Product or Device Output
Early engagement with an Application Engineers (AE) can be a valuable first step when working on your application design and looking for the optimal motion solution. Our AEs will gather valuable information during the motor selection process, to ensure that they use the right motor for the allotted space and application. After a thorough analysis and discussion, they can provide speed/torque curves for various motor options. If they know the duty cycle, they can help to determine whether or not to use a smaller motor in a temporary overdrive application.
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Motor Application Tips
Brush DC and Stepper Technologies for Security and Locking Devices
Security systems are an important part of any commercial buildings whether it’s an office or a warehouse. Biometrics is one of the most deployed systems in a wide variety of industries, from government institutions to industrial buildings. A motor plays a vital part in the design of security locks. Portescap offers the best viable solution for these applications with its various technologies.
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Security & Surveillance,
Stepper Motors,
Brush DC Motors
Motion Considerations for Motorized Multi-function Surgical Power Tools
Orthopedic trauma and implant procedures involve many areas of the body and several types of operations. But despite the diversity of applications, Orthopedic surgeons need to perform three primary functions to accomplish the majority of joint replacements and repairs of broken bones.
- Sawing: Remove large portions of bone to be replaced by implant (sagittal, oscillating, or reciprocating versions)\
- Drilling: Create small cylindrical holes into which pins and screws are inserted to either secure an implant or secure a cutting jig that then guides the saw cuts
- Reaming: Hollow out cavities within the bone to accept implants
These functions are all achieved using
Surgical Hand Tools with a high-performance motor powering the drill, saw, or reamer bit. But not all tool OEMs take the same approach to their product line.
Some companies produce a different tool to perform each of these functions. The advantage of this is optimizing performance specifically to that function. However, the downside is that 3 different tools must be purchased and prepared for each surgery, which carries higher costs as well as more items requiring sterilization.
But many surgical hand tool companies instead produce a single tool that can perform all three functions by incorporating modular attachments that include the gearing and couplers required for the sawing, drilling, and reaming. This reduces the number of tools a surgical center must purchase and sterilize between surgeries but requires motors that can handle a wider range of working points. There are also hybrid models in between these two models where more specialized functions (like sternum saws or hip reamers) are handled by a unique tool while all others are handled by a modular tool.
The decision of which approach to take has significant implications on motor selection. Portescap has experience designing motors for all types of tools and can assist in choosing the right model given other design goals. Portescap can also collaborate in the design or manufacturing of the gearing in the modular attachments to develop an optimized complete system.
Contact an engineer today!
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Medical & Diagnostics,
Surgical Motor Solutions,
BLDC Motors
Seeing beyond what's in the catalogue: Why it's important to get in touch with Portescap
Finding the right motor can be a challenge. Often a product catalog only lists a selection of available motors and coils, so the ideal solution can't be found by browsing through available standard options. Some motor manufacturers offer customizations, which require time and money to be invested and might not always be an option depending on the size of the project.
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Custom motors,
Motor Application Tips
Portescap's Innovative Dual Motion Can Stack Actuator Solution
Rotary and Linear Motion in One Compact Solution
Some applications require rotary motion, such as ventilators. Others require linear motion, such as medical pipettes or syringes. When it comes to combining a rotary and a linear motion in the same application, designers often need to integrate 2 motorized solutions so they can control both degrees of freedom (rotation and linear) at the same time.
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Stepper Motors
Driving DC Brushed Motors
To control a DC motor, a variable, and controlled power supply is needed. There are three types of methods that can be used:
- Voltage-controlled linear supply
- Current linear supply
- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
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Motor Application Tips,
Brush DC Motors
Today’s most challenging battery-operated tools require power, speed, and efficiency within the most ergonomic package. Studies have proven that users prefer a smaller and lighter tool with a high level of performance. The ergonomics needs have tremendously increased in the last few years to highlight operator comfort and efficiency while using battery-powered tools.
There are multiple ways to lighten the tool. For example, we recognize the battery of the tool as one of the heaviest components, therefore the trend is to reduce the battery size. Lowering the battery size will affect the number of cells and thus the voltage: The smaller the battery, the lower voltage.
Industrial power tools support the increase in productivity while remaining versatile. We achieve productivity gains thanks to faster working cycles, so the tool should deliver higher speeds. We derive versatility from an increased torque capacity.
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Industrial Power Tools,
BLDC Motors
Encoders provide feedback for accurate control of speed and positioning. The rotor angular position is given through two square waves 90 degrees shifted and an optional index pulse occurring once a revolution. There are multiple technologies to get these results.
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Motor Application Tips,
Brush DC Motors,
Portescap is working closely with our customers to continue to provide miniature motors and precision motion control solutions for medical devices and clinical diagnostics which are essential to the fight against Covid-19. Portescap has been a leading expert in miniature motors and precision motion control solutions for medical devices and clinical diagnostics for many decades and we’re proud to be able to play an important role during this crucial time. Brushless DC motors and brush DC motors are vital for life-saving medical devices.
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Medical & Diagnostics,
Community Service

As this series has shown, there are many factors to consider when choosing the optimum motion technology for your application. Your application may have one or more primary factors, which would provide a starting point based on the best technology for that factor or factors. But reviewing all the factors and how they impact the final product output will enable the ideal performance of our product. Below is a summary table for the factors and the three motor technologies:
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Motor Application Tips

The type of application being designed will dictate different factors be considered for the motion solution. Will the product be stationary? Is the product mobile - being moved by an apparatus or on a person? The typical usage of the product brings forth different factors to prioritize for your motion solution.
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Motor Application Tips
Our new Ultra EC Brushless Motors video highlights Portescap's Ultra EC three families of motors along with their features and benefits. Watch our latest video to learn more about our Ultra EC Product line.
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Ultra EC,
BLDC Motors